1. Click the link below to go to stroseoflima.weadorehim.com
CLICK HERE to sign up for adoration hours at WeAdoreHim.com
2. Click 'Sign up'
3. Create your account
a. Name, Password, email, phone number needed
4. Select the hour you would like to commit to
b. Daily, Weekly, or Biweekly
5. Set up a reminder notification (if desired)
6. You're all set! Remember your email and passoword to log into We Adore Him again.
Have other questions? Don't have internet access? Contact Adoration Team members Peggy Bakko ([email protected] / 651-492-9965) or Celeste Hannan ([email protected] / 651-925-7623) for assistance.
Even if the Eucharist is not exposed for adoration, the chapel will still be open for our adorers, parishioners, and visitors to come pray and meditate each day. View our schedule and hours by visiting our WeAdoreHim.com web page.