Register today to join Saint Rose of Lima Faith Formation in 2024/25! All youth pre-Kindergarten through 9th Grade are welcome to join us for opportunities of fun, formation, and prayer to build a relationship with Jesus Christ. At Saint Rose our goal is to go beyond a simple intellectual knowledge of God, and go deeper, creating living disciples.
A Tuition Assistance Form is included in, both, the hard copy and online registration packet. No parish child will be denied a Religious Education. All information is kept strictly confidential.
Contact Rob Masloski, Director of Evangelization and Catechesis, with questions or for more information at 651-357-1212 or [email protected]
Catechesis of the Word for Children
"The word of God is living and active..." Hebrews 4:12
The Bible is a beautiful place for even the youngest children in our community to encounter Jesus in a unique and engaging way. While your family attends Mass and hears God's Word proclaimed in Scripture, children ages 3 through 1st grade will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel read and explained at their level through engaging teaching methods, and fun activities to take with them to continue learning and praying with your family at home.
Your child will begin Mass with your family, and leave prior to the first reading, led by a team of teachers to the cry room, to participate in Catechesis of the Word. After the homily, your child will return to pray along with your family for the remainder of Mass.
Catechesis of the Word will be offered approximately twice monthly, September through April, and is free to participate for all children age 3 through 1st Grade, but pre-registration is preferred.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Would you like to help your child enjoy a deeper relationship with God? The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd(CGS) is an approach to the religious formation of children ages 3 to 12. It is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. It originated in 1954 with the founding of the children's center or "atrium" in Rome, Italy. CGS now extends to many countries all over the world.
In CGS, children gather in the atrium, a room specifically prepared as a place of prayer an an encounter with God through a variety of hands-on materials and presentations. Our atrium is currently located in the Saint Rose of Lima School by the gym. The children work with materials of their own choice and at their own pace. They experience a combination of freedom and self-discipline in a place especially prepared to meet their developmental and spiritual needs.
Through the Parable of the Good Shepherd, the children develop a strong connection to Jesus. This close relationship, together with presentations centered on the Mass and the Eucharist, can lead children to begin longing for the Eucharist even before beginning their preparations for Holy Communion!
Here at Saint Rose of Lima, CGS is available for all children Preschool (age 4) through 1st Grade; we meet monthly from November through May on WEDNESDAYS from 6:00PM-7:15PM; registration is required.